Monday, January 28, 2013

Snow Day or .....

Sometimes I guess my intuition is right; I delayed going to work this morning.  Unusual for this winter as we have had literally NO snow all winter.  But last night we got about an inch and the road reports were horrible--slick slick and darn slick.

My daughter in law just called and was glad I was home.  She said stay there!  Someone from their company just rolled a four wheel drive pickup near where I live.  Icy, icy, icy...  Fortunately they were unhurt (thank goodness for seat belts.

So I'm home!!  And now I'm gonna go sew on my projects....

And think Lovely, Summery Thoughts............Lots of them.  And think Rain, Spring Rain, Lots of it.....

Okay, even rain in the form of WHITE stuff would be welcome this year!!!

If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.