Thursday, October 21, 2010

Drat! Rolling into Number Four

Season, WINTER!!  Snow in the High Country is forecast for this weekend.  Soon the fall colors will be gone and everything will be white, or dirty brown....

Goodbye to
Golden Cottonwood Trees at our Gate!

Fall Colors along the creek

Beautiful Colors on Muddy Mountain! 

And HELLo to

So Many CLOTHES you cannot move

 Standard Time so the Moon is rising
while you are driving home from Work

 Bad roads (look at THIS!)
ONE INCH and it's all on the Bloomin' Road from the Wind! 

 Feeding Livestock Every Day  - Sometimes you Get to Feed when there is No Snow.

And sometimes you don't.

And just occasionally, very occasionally, winter is pretty.

Now picture the scene from Gone with the Wind, where Scarlet O'Hara is digging  rotten turnips out of the garden, and with her fist raised to the sky declares, 
"AS You are my Witness, I WILL survive the winter!"

Well okay, that's not exactly what Scarlet said, but that's what I'm sayin!


  1. I hear ya!

    Fall has been so gorgeous this year; I hate to see it end.

  2. Yes, it's been such a nice long fall. A rarity for Wyoming. Have you seen the forecast for week after next? "Chance of Snow" for Wednesday night. Drat. Double Dog Drat!!!!

  3. Very well said I SO AGREE!!!!! We are suppose to have snow here on Tuesday and Wednesday.


  4. I heard we are getting it next Thursday..I am so hoping the forecast changes..I am not ready for the white stuff yet:(

  5. I've been in mourning at the passing of summer since our first official day of fall, and it's still summertime in Oklahoma in the fall, LOL!! Oh, I do hate winter, and I'm still miffed about it! Our winters are not nearly as harsh as yours, but all the same, I hate bundling up in coats, hate the bare brown trees and brown grass, and by golly I would rather sweat than shiver any ole day! Let's hear it for summertime! How many days until June?

